Oxford English Practice Series - Reading & Writing

年級: 小一
Sale price$95


Oxford English Practice Series—Reading & Writing is a six-book practice series aiming to develop students’ reading and writing skills through step-by-step tasks and guidance.

16 Reading units and 4 Writing units covering a broad range of text types and interesting themes

  • Audio recordings in QR codes enabling students to learn proper English pronunciation from native speakers
  • Target vocabulary from the Oxford 3000 incorporated in reading texts and various vocabulary exercises
  • Writing videos explaining the writing tasks in a step-by-step way to enhance students’ writing skills
  • Writing Handbook covering model writing texts and highlighting useful structures and expressions for students
  • Answer Key with detailed explanatory notes

ISBN : 9789888718375, 9789888718436, 9789888718382, 9789888718443, 9789888718450, 9789888718399

Net weight per book: 0.2kg

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